Saturday, May 4, 2019

How Elements Affect Your Zodiac Sign, Part Two: Relationships

In PartOne of this piece on zodiac elements, we learned why the four elements—earth, air, fire and water—were assigned to the different zodiac signs and what that means for each sign, as far as characteristics unto themselves. But what happens when you combine elements in different kinds of relationships, such as friends, family, coworkers or lovers? Can you predict how well you will get along with others based on your relative signs?

Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)—as we found in Part One, earth signs are very stable, faithful, stubborn, secure and fairly bossy. How does the element of earth mix with other elements?

Earth Earth= not bad, as you might expect; as long as the two earth signs share the same fundamental opinions of things, the stubborn side will be more of a bonding element than an obstacle. Earth signs can build a wall around, rather than between, themselves. Earth signs can make the best friends with other earth signs, although it is best if they are not the same sign (Taurus and Virgo work better than Virgo and Virgo, for example).

Earth Air (Gemini, Aquarius, Libra) = not a very good match. Earth is the most stable element and air is the most changeable, so as you might expect, the air signs are always making the earth signs feel off balance, and the earth signs strike the air signs as boring and stifling.

Earth Fire (Sagittarius, Aries, Leo) = also not great; fire signs like to be popular and are very outgoing, where earth signs can be homebodies, and when that stubborn side comes up against the natural instigator that is the fire sign, there’s going to be some scorched earth and some smothered flame.

Earth Water (Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces) = an excellent match, especially good for romantic partners, as the elements are not too much the same, but complementary. After all, if you mix earth and earth, you just have more of the same, but if you mix earth and water, you can get some lovely mud. Water signs are adaptable but crave stability, which is exactly what earth signs offer. Water signs can offer a more sensitive and intuitive nature, which helps earth signs get in touch with their emotional side.

Air Signs (Gemini, Aquarius, Libra)—just as in real life, we have seen that air doesn’t mix at all with earth. What is the compatibility with the other elements for these playful, enthusiastic, irresponsible and impetuous sprites?

Air Air = good matches, as they are both spontaneous, fun-loving and go-with-the-flow. The best friend matches, especially because air signs love to analyze, and who better to do that with than a friend who loves to hash things over as well?

Air Fire (Sagittarius, Aries, Leo) = excellent match in friendship, even better in love; fire signs love spontaneity and excitement, like air signs, but they are more driven, and will therefore give the air sign some focus. A fire sign would make a great boss for an air sign.

Air Water (Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces) = ah, well, you know water and air don’t ever really mix in nature—the air just bubbles up and out, which is likely to happen in relationships. Water wants a stable and predictable mate, not putting much stock in last-minute plans and rescheduling or in dreamy promises for the future that get countermanded by one of air’s typical mind-changes.

Fire Signs (Sagittarius, Aries, Leo) – We have noted that fire signs get on poorly with earth and well with air. Is this popular sign friendly with itself, or does it combust? Does water dampen its spirits?

Fire Fire = there’s combustion, but it’s good. I would recommend air as a romantic partner, but another fire sign makes a great friend, although there is some chance that their naturally competitive and show-off-y aspects could lead to some extremes. Bosses, if you really want to see some production spikes at work, make your fire signs captains of opposing teams!

Fire Water (Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces) = as you might guess, water can dampen fire’s crackling little flame, and fire can get water pretty steamed. This combination can be extremely good for a casual sex relationship, though, so if you can go into it with open eyes and keep emotions out of it (very difficult for the water sign), it will be great…for the short term.

Water Signs (Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces) – Water likes to make mud with earth, can’t hold on to air, and things can get steamy with fire, in good ways and bad. So how does this intuitive, emotional sign wash with others of the same element?

Water Water = very well, actually. Although as usual it is recommended that two of the exact same sign do not pair up (dreamy Pisces, fussy Cancers and intense Scorpios need a little break from themselves, not a double dose), two water signs are a lovely match, adapting to each other and developing an intimate bond on their shared emotional level. A breakup between two water signs is a devastating thing, but the relationship is always worth having. As coworkers, water signs can be great because of their intuitive bond, but if there is a conflict at work, they have to be careful not to fan the flames because of their sensitivity.

Image from Pixabay

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